Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Birth Affirmations for the Child of God

Birth Affirmations

for the child of God

We (men as well as women) have to battle a ridiculous amount of fear and misogyny surrounding birth in our culture. If this is a new concept to you, Reader, I compel you ardently to immediately do some research on the sordid history of medicalized birth in America, and then research the wonderful normalcy of birth as it was created by God to be. If you, like me, have already done the research and are looking for ways to break free of the chains of fear that we have been conditioned to view birth with, you've likely already heard of birth affirmations. 

I spent hours on Google one day, searching for birth affirmation color pages that were not new agey and that honored faith in God. They do not exist. God put it in my heart to change that, so I set to work tapping into the talent He gave me, and I sketched a few Christian birth affirmation color pages-- the first of their kind, to my knowledge. I hope these are a blessing to birthing mothers everywhere who wish to honor God in the way they give birth, and arm themselves with strength and knowledge. I will be working more on these to add more to the collection, so hopefully one day in the future I will be able to compile an actual color book with perforated pages for the owner to color and detach to be hung on the wall in their birthing nooks. But thats far, far in the future... 

I only have one pre-colored option right now (its quite time-consuming), for those who don't want to sit down and color a detailed page like these, but there'll be more to come. 

One more thing: When I first discovered birth affirmations, I didn't really understand what to do with them. Reading them once and forgetting about them is not going to affect much change in a paradigm of fear that has taken decades to form. This is what I recommend: print them off, color them, hang them up around the house in places you frequent often (on the fridge, inside the cupboard door, on the piano,  the bathroom mirror, above the kitchen sink, on the window in front of your sewing machine, in your office above your computer, above the changing table...), and read them ALOUD every single time you see them. There are several reasons to do it like this, and I may do a blog post about them at a later time. Suffice it to say, there is a reason tv commercials cost so much to the company who wants just 10 seconds to sell their product. What you see, coupled with what you hear, affects how you think and believe. We've spent basically our entire lives SEEING on tv the excruciating horror-film-like birth scenes, and HEARING the birth horror stories of people who love to spread more fear (in actuality, most of those horrors could have been avoided by NOT drugging the mother into twilight sleep or by NOT allowing the doctor to strip membranes...). To undo those undercurrents of fear in our hearts, we must take similar measures as it took for the fear to get in there in the first place. 

I hope you enjoy these, and I would love to hear back from you about how birth affirmations have helped you overcome fear and motivated you to take charge of your birthing experience. I am certain other readers would enjoy seeing your own creative take on coloring these affirmations as well, and I would too! 

Saturday, June 4, 2016

All Things Bright and Reusable

Another passion of mine is reusable, earth-friendly, cloth products that replace mainstream disposable ones: diapers, un-paper towel, napkins, family cloth, wipes, and mama cloth (menstrual pads). Ew gross! Right??     

            Not exactly.... 

I actually find disposable products pretty gross. At the very least, the ones that catch bodily fluids (diapers, toilet paper, wipes, pads, tampons) are all made using a boat-load of toxic chemicals (unless you spend the extra dollars to buy organic, but you still have to throw those away), and studies show those chemicals don't stop inside the package, but actually do affect our bodies in a harmful way. Did you know Roundup (the herbicide used on the cotton that most disposable pads are made from) contains chemicals known to cause cancer and disregulate hormones in a woman's body? Unbearably heavy, painful, long periods? Your disposable feminine product could be to blame! Not to mention the disgusting piles of diapers, pads, and tampons growing mold and festering parasites in land fills.... Ew. Totally gross. 

The concept of washable products is as old as the concept of fabric, and makes so much more sense than disposable. 

SO, without further ado, the whole reason for this post: SEWING PATTERNS!!! Keep checking back for new ones. :D

I used cotton for the topper, one layer of flannel and a section of a cotton prefold for the core, and anti-pill fleece for the back. You can use PUL for the back, but I find I don't need a pad to be water"proof" because I change them way before they ever get very full. AND, the fleece helps hold the pad in place. PUL is quite slick. Whatever your preference :)

And the pattern... download "Princess Cut" pattern pdf

Please leave feedback in the comments on your adventures in sewing with this pattern and let me know how it can be improved! 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Hi Folks! A lot has happened since last I posted here, and it's high time we caught up. So here it is: I graduated college, I married the awesomest nerdiest most musically talented guy in the universe, and we now live in Iowa with our two beautiful boys. The whole reason I have come back here is to post our second and most recent birth story. I did not have the foresight to hire a photographer for our eldest son's birth and I have never written down his birth story, because, quite frankly, I don't have anything interesting to say about it, other than "My eldest son was born and I learned a ton of what not to do." Don't get me wrong: his birth was as miraculous as every human birth is, and I cherish and  bless the day I first held him in my arms and saw his precious face. It just did not happen the way my instincts were telling me it should have and I feel that both he and I were robbed of a sacred rite of passage together. So, today, I write my second child's birth story. This one is uplifting and powerful and I want to share it with the world. Willie's birth story is one that gently proves the well-placed faith we can put in God's perfect design of birth. 

Be aware, I am sharing some very personal photos and feelings with whomever decides to read this. Please proceed appropriately, especially where young children are concerned. I do not mind at all if my birth photos are used to help introduce home birth to your child or to help normalize natural birth to a curious partner; but please show respect and let the sacred intimacy of our birth experience touch you heart with awe for our Creator. I hope you enjoy! 

***photography courtesy of Oh Snap! Photography. clicky here ----> http://www.oh-snap-photography.com

The Birth Story of Our Second Baby

I had wanted to have all my babies at home since I was a young girl-- it was my dream. Like so many dreams in life, that one took a back burner when I conceived my eldest child. He was born in a hospital birth center, and I, exhausted from such a long arduous labor and completely ill-at-ease because I did not want to give birth there, succumbed to the pressure of charts and numbers and got the epidural. Our son was born with no complications whatsoever, and my husband and I set to work healing from the difficult birth and researching to make sure we could have our next child at home. I interviewed two midwives who lived near me, and learned a lot from both of those amazing women. The more I learned, the more I hungered to learn. We conceived again, and I knew exactly how I wanted this birth to go: according to God's plan and baby's needs and my desires. And yes, all three are not only possible, but those three aims are indeed knit together into the beautiful and perfect design of birth. By this time in our life, I had researched so much that I felt inclined to pursue an unassisted birth with just me, my husband, my 21 month old son, and maybe a couple supportive family members. But my husband was not quite ready to make that decision in confidence, so we agreed to hire a midwife to attend. I was fortunate to hire a life-long family friend who knew me and understood the way I function, and who had birthed two of her own babies unassisted. She even bartered with us on the price and let us do a music project in lieu of monetary payment. We felt very secure in her skills and our own ability to birth the way we were created to: together in sacred peace and respect. 

Our midwife (whom I will refer to as "Molly" to protect the identity of my friend) gave me invaluable knowledge during each of our three prenatal visits (yes, only three). She focused on total body health and mental preparation during our talks and was never flippant about answering my many and deep questions. :) She taught me how to palpate my abdomen to feel for baby's position. She taught me how to use the doppler (I will use the fetoscope for future pregnancies) to identify the sounds of each my baby, placenta, and cord. She taught me stretches to help safely strengthen my core and to relieve those persistent back aches. She taught me to use my body's signals of pain and discomfort to identify where I was nutritionally lacking, and not to run to the pharmacy to cover them up with drugs and ignore the message. 

She reaffirmed my belief in the woman's body to birth her baby safely with dignity, and encouraged me to continue my own research. By the time, the ninth month of pregnancy began, we both (my husband and I) felt that we had gained a forever friend in our midwife, and were completely surrendered in peace to the ebb and flow of the pregnancy/birth journey. 

Little Squish's "due date" (we all know how inaccurate those are) was August 26th, which came and went with nothing spectacular to show for it in the way of contractions. Then the questions started rolling in... "You're STILL pregnant??" or "You look huge! Maybe you should take a walk to get things going." (because, you know, I was sooooo lazy with a house to baby prep, a two year old to chase, and a family to care for). Here's a funny one: "They let you go that long??" (apparently, "they" are giving birth to my baby instead of me...). I started ignoring the general populace after a couple days of that, and just focused on reading my birth affirmations daily. It helped. My mom called and asked if maybe I would like her to come indefinitely and do whatever I needed done around the house. My mom is the most supportive and positive person in the world and I knew she would only uplift and encourage me, so I wholeheartedly accepted. Gender neutral onesies and sleepers were clean and folded, newborn diapers stacked by the changing table, my white fairy lights were hung around the living room for ambiance, my birth tote was filled and ready for use-- we were ready to meet our baby face to face. We were in a very healthy place emotionally and spiritually those few days before he was born. I went about doing life as usual with my two year old, and my mom pitched in when I needed to rest or visit the chiropractor.

 I can not really tell exactly what day or time I began labor-- it just grew within me gradually until, without, realizing it, I had to pause during my housework to breathe through a rush or two. My husband wanted to call the midwife on the afternoon of September 4 but I put it off because I secretly hoped to call too late and birth my baby alone. That evening, my instincts told me to go ahead and light my candles and diffuse some lavender and lemon essential oils, so I did. Everyone was hungry and I felt like I wanted to do something proactive, so I made some stir fry with steak, and we enjoyed a relaxed supper together. (Releasing that oxytocin!) I remember pausing several times while cooking to breathe through some really good contractions, and saying at the end of each, "Ooo, that was a good one". The photographer arrived after we cleared away the dishes; that's when it hit me that this was the real deal. 

When the rushes were about 2 minutes apart, I decided to let my husband call Molly and her partner, since they were staying a fair bit of a drive from our house. He then texted his mom and grandma, both of whom I had invited to be present during the birth, and they sat around our kitchen table chatting over coffee while I walked around the house enjoying the feeling of my baby drawing ever closer to me. 

Contractions were quite regular and I breathed and hummed them out sitting backwards on the toilet, in the shower, draped over my pilates ball, and on all fours rotating my hips. I knew I'd be in transition soon, because that "calm before the storm" came over me and I was able to lay down on my bed and sleep nestled up to my husband.

 I awoke when Molly arrived and she talked to me to read my expressions and observe my emotional state. I was feeling so confident and ready and we laughed together in excitement at the prospect of meeting our Little Squish. 

Then transition came roaring in like a lion-- and I needed a tornado fan blowing on my face, and a cool cloth around my neck. 

The sensations were so intense, I started to scream; as I screamed high pitched, my mind ebbed into fear, and my body tensed as if trying to escape the sensations. But I remembered that birth is not to be feared: it is to be embraced. 

And I lowered my pitch to become roars, howls, powerful singing; my mind surrendered back into the flow of labor, and my body relaxed into acceptance. 

My husband saw our baby as his head was born, bursting his bag of waters as he came. I took several deep breaths to relax again, and Baby turned himself to finish coming out, and out he came with a woosh! Molly helped me turn around to retrieve my baby (I had birthed him while kneeling and leaning against my bed so he came out behind me). 

I held my birth warrior baby close to my heart and howled in triumphant happiness at our accomplishment. I rubbed his back and pointed his head down for a bit to help the rest of the fluid out of his lungs and he began breathing and making all those adorable baby noises. Then, completely and incandescently happy, my amazing husband and I leaned back against the bed and beheld our brand new son, William Alexander. 


I hopped into the shower after a  bit to rinse off before snuggling into bed with Willie, so Michael held him for a minute. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Making Paper

After collecting scrap paper, boiling it for a couple of hours, turning it to pulp in a blender, and pouring the pulp into a large cooler, the actual paper-making process begins.

Step One:

Add any color (not food coloring... natural colors from herbs or plants work best) or scent, if desired, to the paper pulp. I added Gardenia scented oil to this batch of pulp.

Step Two:

Using your frame (a picture frame with screen instead of glass will do, as long as the screen is tight), pick up a good amount of pulp.

Step Three:

Strain out the excess water and let drip for a little while over the container of pulp. Use either a large sponge or your hand to press the pulp into the frame while the water is dripping out. When the pulp inside the frame is just very wet and no longer dripping, flip the frame over onto the drying area (either a towel laid out flat or a large screen raised up on saw horses or something) and gently encourage the wet pulp to fall out of the frame and land flat on the drying area.

Step Four:

Press the rest of the moisture, that you can, out with a towel. Now is the time to add any embellishments to the paper... pressed, dried flowers are what I used. Let the pulp completely dry before removing (this can take a few days) and Voila! you have handmade, textured paper. :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

"MY GOD IS" Concert

September 24, 2011

We had a wonderful time singing about Christ and ministering to the listeners who graciously attended this concert. Jen and Lexi worked so hard organizing everything... their labor was gratified by a superb evening as we all sang or played our hearts out. God gave us a beautiful evening and a fantastic spirit during the performance.

I didn't get the chance to take very many pictures and I missed the group shots that Jack took [jackmcdonnel.blogspot.com]. Head over to the his family blog for shots of the whole group (minus me) :).

Well, my computer is being dumb and won't let me upload edited versions of pictures, so that's it.